Robertson County
Amateur Radio Club
Field Day 2021
Saturday & Sunday June 26-27
The ARRL Field Day page can be found at
here for the 2021 Field Day Rules
Or you can download a PDF copy of the rules here
If you are not in our immediate area and would like to find a Field Day
location close to you,
click this link to
go to the ARRL Field Day locator page to find one. Click on the red
closest to your area for contact information for that field day site.
RCARC Field Day Chairman is Doug Aldrich, AA0BH
For any questions you can email Doug at
The Public Is Welcome To Visit Us
Stop by and see what amateur radio emergency communications is all
Setup begins at 9am and official operations begin at 1pm on Saturday
and continue for a full 24
Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every
June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary
transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's
science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It
combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach,
and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an
annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham
County ARC's Field Day site will be located behind the YMCA
building in Springfield, TN. The address is 3332 Tom Austin Hwy,
right across from NorthCrest Hospital.
Hope you can join us for some
fun. Even if you are not an amateur (ham) operator, you still might
have a chance to talk on the radio if you would like to try it.
The Antenna farm will be out in the field (red X top picture below) and
radio stations will be located under the pavilion at the rear of the
YMCA main building.
If you
haven't already volunteered for
Field Day and would like to let Doug know you will be
participating, click
this link or email Doug at
A wide birds-eye view of the 2021 RCARC
Field Day site
A little closer look at the site.
Come in off Tom Austin Hwy to the rear of the YMCA. Hope to see you
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