Robertson County Amateur Radio Club
VE Team

Our VE team was formed in early Summer of 2013 and operates as a part of the ARRL VEC program

We provide FCC approved testing for all Amateur Radio license exams

The team will hold testing sessions on the first Saturday of EVERY month at the First Free Will Baptist Church, 811 16th Ave. East in Springfield, TN
See the main page of this website for a map of the church location.

For those of you that are not already amateur operators, VE stands for Volunteer Examiner.
These are amateur operators that vounteer their time and talents to help non-amateurs get their first license and current amateurs to upgrade their current license class.
There is a fee for taking the test but none of this money goes in the pockets of the VE Team members nor does it go to RCARC.

If you are interested in taking an exam with us, please email the VE Liaison with this link (if you use Outlook, Thunderbird or another 3rd party email software)
or you can email Please put RCARC VE Testing in the subject line and then provide your Name, and preferred phone number.
Somone will respond  to you as soon as possible.

2024 VE Team Members:
  • Granville Chapman, WD4LNE - VE Liaison
  • Doug Aldrich, AA0BH
  • Bill Jones, N4LB
  • Joe Vest, WU9F
  • David DeForge, AI4TY

Upcoming Testing Sessions for 2024

Completed Test Sessions    Next Test Session    Upcoming Test Sessions

(all testing sessions will be at 1 pm unless otherwise noted)

January 4, 2024

February 3, 2024

March 2, 2024

April 6, 2024

May 4, 2024

June 1, 2024

July 6, 2024

August 3, 2024

September 7, 2024

October 5, 2024

November 2, 2024

December 7, 2024

Below are some tips from our team to those wishing to take an exam.

You may download a .pdf copy of the this information here

Right click on the link and choose "Save Link As" to save it to your computer

Important Note:

The FCC is now requiring all applicants for an Amateur Radio license to obtain their FCC Registration Number (FRN) prior to attending a test session.
The following is a link to a tutorial explaining how to register with the FCC and obtain your FRN.

What to do before an Exam Session

You MUST have a valid e-mail address and you MUST obtain your FCC Registration Number (FRN) before the exam session.  If you have an existing license from the FCC you already have an FRN.  I will be on your license.  The FCC no longer allows Social Security Number on application documents.  To obtain your FRN follow the instructions at


FCC Application Fee

<>Beginning April 19, 2022, the FCC is charging a $35 application fee for a new license (Technician), a renewal of an existing license, and a vanity call sign application.  The is no fee for a license class upgrade or administrative updates.  If a fee is required, you will receive an e-mail from the FCC with payment instructions when application is processed.  You have 10 days to pay the fee or your license application will be canceled.

You can check on your application and pay the application fee by logging into the FCC CORES system.  Instructions are at

Application Document

<>It is suggested that you fill out your application form interactively and print a copy to bring to the exam session.  You can find the interactive form at 

This will help to reduce errors when your application is entered into the FCC system.

What to bring to the Exam Session

The examination fee (currently $15.00).  Cash is preferred (no 50- or 100- dollar bills).  Please note the location (city and state) and date of the exam session in the “memo” field.

You need to bring a government issued picture ID (driver license, military ID, state or local government ID, or passport).  If you do not have one of the above, you must bring TWO other forms of identification, such as a Social Security card, birth certificate, school ID, grade report, bank statement, or utility bill.  The name (and address, if applicable) must match the name (and address, if applicable) you enter on your application documents.  If you have any questions as to what is considered a valid ID, please contact the team liaison BEFORE the exam session.

<>If you are upgrading, you must bring the ORIGINAL and a COPY of your existing license.  A copy from the FCC Universal Licensing System or a screen copy from the ARRL or the QRZ website will be acceptable.  If you DO NOT have a copy of your license, contact the team liaison BEFORE the exam session.  If you have a CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) you must bring the ORIGINAL and a COPY of the CSCE.  Your original CSCE will be returned to you after the VE team verifies the copy.

If you are claiming Element 3 credit for a Technician license issued prior to March 21, 1987, please contact the team liaison BEFORE the exam session.

If you are claiming credit for an expired General, Advanced, or Extra class license that is beyond the two-year grace period you will need to have proof of your expired license grant and pass the Technician test before the credit will be issued (Advanced class licensees will be granted General class credit).  If you have any questions, please contact the team liaison BEFORE the exam session

Cell Phones
All cell phones MUST be turned OFF.  Any candidate that receives or makes a cell phone call while taking the examination will have the examination TERMINATED and there will be NO refund of the examination fee.


Calculators can be used IF the VE team can verify that all memories and programs have been erased.  Because of their ability to store and retrieve information, the use of a cell phone, smart phone, PDA or other similar device will not be allowed.  If you need a calculator, the Texas Instruments TI-30Xa includes all the functions needed for the Technician, General, and Extra Class examinations and is available for around $10.

If You Pass an Examination

If you pass an examination for an element, you may take the next element (or elements) without paying another examination fee.


If You Fail an Examination

If you fail an examination and want to try again (with a different version of the examination) you must pay the examination fee a second time.

If you have any questions, please contact the team liaison before the exam session.

Thank you and good luck!

The Robertson County Amateur Radio Club VE Team